Gothic setting

The night was not all that different from those I have experienced since arriving in this unkempt countryside, cool and quiet, not a single dead fallen leaf that lay limp on the gravel roadside conveyed a rustle to break the eerie silence, unnerving me by the second. The sky above is concealed by the trees that surround me, their twisted black and lifeless frames extend from the soil, their leafless branches outstretched like fingers into the night awaiting their next victim to take grasp of. Although I can sense the attempts of the moon in it’s struggle to break through the low, brooding clouds, it cannot beat their forces. A twig snaps. The hairs on my arms prickle until they are standing ridged and on end. The eyes of the forest are on me, mocking me and laughing, for my path is a labyrinth and with every turn, I am lead deeper into the maze.

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